Happy Holidays Everyone,

Arose N Daghetto here. I just want to take this time to thank you all for visiting Literature Voodoo over the years. I am deeply grateful to everyone who supported my blog in the past and in these recent years. Thank you so much for all your likes, your follows, your shares, your visits and the kind comments that you posted. I see you and I appreciate you dearly.

We’ve all been through a lot this year, haven’t we? It’s been no joke at all. But truth be told, you are strong. You made it this far and you’re still standing. We’re still standing. Better days are ahead of us. Keep hanging in there regardless of how bad the news gets. Hold on tighter to the hands of those around you who you love and keep you going through this dark journey. We’re approaching the light soon. It’s coming, trust that it is. I know it seems like it’s never going to get better but it will. It will. I know it seems to be taking forever but just like all good things eventually come to an end so does the bad. So this too will come to an end eventually. You will make it through this pandemic and whatever else you might be struggling to get through in your life. Keep holding on and don’t lose faith. I believe in you.

Lastly, I am back to working on new articles and other material for this blog. I am working on trying to expand Literature Voodoo from a blog to a website and in the very near future I will be setting up a Youtube channel. Because I see you all out there and your support in my notifications and stats, I want to give you more and hopefully connect with you all more. My supporters deserve more.

In the meanwhile, I will be posting new articles. You can expect a new posting here by January 11th 2021.

Sending warm wishes of love and hope to each in every one of you out there. Again, thank you for visiting and supporting my Literature Voodoo blog. Much respect and blessings to you all. ❤✌🖒


Arose N Daghetto

Creator and Writer of the Literature Voodoo Blog